Background of the Study
Over the last 25 years, global demand for postsecondary education has increased rapidly as a result of population growth, rising wages, and the increasing emphasis placed on tertiary education as a driver of individual social mobility and national economic development. However, in other countries, tertiary institutions frequently lack the ability to accept an increasing number of secondary school graduates, do not provide specific programmes, have a dearth of highly skilled academic personnel, and/or suffer from low quality. According to Alon (2017), these issues are especially apparent in developing countries, as tertiary capacity, variety, and quality shortcomings restrict the potential to generate human-resource capital, a critical component in generating innovation and economic progress. As a result, many nations are engaged in cross-border tertiary education operations in order to increase their stock of highly trained human capital and, as a result, national (mostly economic) capabilities.
Significantly, the governments of the nations that support international scholarship programmes assume that the benefits of acquiring a higher education from a school in a country other than one's own are distinct from the benefits of studying at a school in one's own country (Messer & Wolter, 2017). This technique may be able to broaden the worldwide perspectives of the home nation's people by utilizing the long-standing and high-quality educational programmes available in other nations (Knight, 2016). It may also encourage the transfer of information and the development of skills that companies demand. Around 3.5 million persons, or 2% of all students enrolled in higher education globally, studied in another nation in 2010. (UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2015).
Even if the proportion is small, the potential advantages of studying abroad to individual and societal prosperity may be substantial, especially in a nation experiencing economic and political instability. But how be it, fully funded scholarship have most substantial opportunity offered to both rich and average class of the economy. Halili (2019) opined that sources of student scholarship is dependent on financial aid (grants, loans, and work study) from two sources (federal government and state government), but a t a fully funded scholarship covers all expenses that your college life entitles you to and the funds may not be utilized otherwise. The scholarships are typically offered by colleges and universities or private organizations with generous benefactors. In 2005–2006, 18% of all aid to post-secondary education students was from colleges and universities; an additional 7% was in the form of private and employer grants (The College Board, 2006). One electronic provider of information about local, national, and college scholarships Omeje and Abugu (2015).) claims a database of “1.3 million scholarships worth over $3 billion. However, the relative absence of literature and attention in the strategies to obtain funded scholarship to local, national, and college scholarships is surprising, given the prevalence of this source of aid.
Statement of the Problem
Scholars have recently expressed worry about the conditions necessary for a fully funded fellowship. Financial help and scholarships, according to Cabrera Nora and Castaeda (2021), may have a direct impact on students' academic motivation. The student may be directly encouraged to persevere and do well if he or she knows that high academic achievement is essential to keep his or her scholarship. Grants and scholarships have a greater impact on perseverance and graduation than debt. Perna (2006) established a multilayer conceptual method in his work, as mentioned in The multilevel conceptual model, developed based on a comprehensive review and synthesis of prior research, is intended for examinations of the contextual forces that shape college enrollment. It draws on multiple theoretical perspectives and situates the college-enrollment decision-making process within several layers of context (Perna). The conceptual paradigm, like "the student choice construct" (Cosentino, Fortson, Liuzzi, Harris, and Blair 2019), proposes that college-related activities reflect an individual's "situated context." The conceptual model specifically implies that four layered contextual layers influence students' college enrollment decisions: the student and family environment, the school and community context, the higher education context, and the larger social, economic, and policy context. According to this paradigm,student establish beliefs about scholarships within the framework of their families, but these perceptions are changed directly and indirectly by numerous variables outside of the family, notably characteristics of the school a student attends. Other research by Perna, Rowan-Kenyon, Thomas, et al., in press; Cosentino et'al (2019) suggests that school personnel played a role in shaping students' perceptions of funded scholarships where counsellors in schools provided more than minimal information or assistance to students regarding college financing, that counsellors encouraged students to attend low-priced institutions (e.g., community colleges) based on incomplete information about students' ability to pay, and that some counselors believed that African American and Latino parents are reluctant to use loans to finance college prices.
Despite results obtained by scholars on student perception toward fully funded scholarships, with some recent exceptions, relatively little is known about the strategies for the qualification of a fully funded scholarship opportunity for students.
Objective of the Study
The broad objective of this study is to examine the strategies for the qualification of a fully funded scholarship opportunity for students. Other specific objectives includes:
Research Hypotheses
Ho1: The extent Nigerian youths access fully funded scholarship in Nigeria is low.
Hi1: The extent Nigerian youths access fully funded scholarship in Nigeria is high.
Ho2: Nigeria youth are not knowledgeable on strategies for the qualification of a fully funded scholarship opportunity.
Hi2: Nigeria youth are knowledgeable on strategies for the qualification of a fully funded scholarship opportunity.
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